The brain child of amber wine influencer and connoisseur Odin Berntsen, Skin Orange Wine Fest is the first ever dedicated orange/amber wine festival in the nordics. Held in for the first time in Oslo, the festival seeks to bring together wine experts and enthusiasts alike to celebrate the uniqueness of the amber wine.
The identity programme for the first edition of the festival celebrates the intrinsic roundness of the wine grape through typography, and articulates the idea of bringing people together in a physical space to create something new – drawing parables to the process of squeezing grapes together when making wine.
Stills by Magnus Gulliksen ↗, @maggull ↗

Diatype Rounded (Breyer et al. Dinamo Typefaces) is the family that gives shape to the identity, playing against a backdrop of colours taking inspiration from the amber wine colour spectrum – all the while infused with the trappings of the festival spirit.